The Kybalion

In 1908, “The Three Initiates” introduced the Kybalion, which explains the Seven Hermetic Principles that govern the Universe. Legend has it that the teachings can be traced back to the mythical figure Hermes Trismegistus. The figure is a combination of Thoth, the Egyptian deity of writing and knowledge, and Hermes, the Greek god of communication and cunning.

Although some ancient Hermeticism followers may disregard this publication, the Kybalion supposedly provides a “Master-Key” to readers.

From my own perspective, the Kybalion is much more than a simple text. It acted as a foundation, paving the way for more profound teachings, including the Emerald Tablets and The Corpus Hermetica.

The Seven Hermetic Principles

According to the Kybalion, the Seven Hermetic Principles represent fundamental truths that extend to every element in the cosmos. Essentially, the cosmic blueprint’s fundamentals. Here’s a brief summary:

The Principle of Mentalism

The Principle of Mentalism
Photo Credit: Topalov from Getty Images/Canva

“The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”

The Principle of Mentalism states that the Universal is a mental projection from a divine source, and our thoughts can shape (manifest) the reality we inhabit.

Certain explanations of quantum mechanics indicate a link between consciousness and particle behavior. While not a perfect match for the Principle of Mentalism, the science supports the idea that mental processes influence reality.

Contemporary authors have written of this principle, and books such as “Think and Grow Rich” (Napoleon Hill) and “The Secret” (Rhonda Byrne) provide practical techniques to attain success in personal and financial matters.

The Principle of Correspondence

The Principle of Correspondence
Image Credit: Science Photo Library/Canva

“As above, so below; as below, so above.”

This Hermetic principle articulates the concept that there is a harmonic resonance between different levels of the universe, from the macrocosm (the larger cosmos) to the microcosm (the inner world of the individual). It suggests that patterns observed in the greater universe are reflected on a smaller scale within our personal reality, and vice versa.

The Principle of Vibration

The Principle of Vibration
Image Credit: Cokada from Getty Images/Canva

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

According to the principle of vibration, everything in the universe is always in motion and vibration, regardless of size. All things contain the energy known as the Universal Life Force, which is responsible for existence, movement, and change.

In Hinduism and Taoism, the Principle of Vibration aligns with the concepts of Prana and Qi, both describing a dynamic energy flowing through the universe. Anicca, a concept in Buddhism, accepts the constant change and movement in all aspects of existence. In the Culdian teachings of Celtic Christianity, they refer to the life force as Gwinin.

Cymatics, a term coined by Hans Jenny, visually shows the effects of frequency and vibration. It shows how frequencies can shape the physical world, revealing intricate geometric patterns.

Modern self-help teachings plot the path to help students understand the principles of matching your vibrational frequency with desired outcomes, as seen in “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and Dr. Joe Dispenza’s works. These teachings advocate for intentional positive thoughts and emotions to elevate one’s vibrational state, attracting similar vibrations as experiences or opportunities – a practical application of “like attracts like.”

To apply the Principle of Vibration in everyday life, we can start by becoming more mindful of the vibrational quality of our thoughts, words, and feelings.

We can increase personal vibrational frequency through practices like meditation, affirmations, and visualisation. If we understand that every interaction, every word, and even every thought contributes to our vibrational frequency footprint, then we can make more conscious choices to align our personal vibrations with the frequencies of positive outcomes.

The Principle of Polarity

The Principle of Polarity
Image Credit: Science Photo Library/Canva

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.”

This principle explains the existence of opposites and contrasts in the universe, and seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent, and that the truth lies in understanding the spectrum between these opposites.

A simple example to illustrate this is through temperature. The Principle of Polarity illustrates that heat and cold, for instance, are simply varying degrees of temperature. The apparent duality and opposition in the world are understood, through this principle, as varying expressions of the same underlying reality, differing only in degree.

This principle echoes across diverse spiritual traditions and philosophical teachings. In Taoism, the concept of Yin and Yang represents the interdependence of opposites within a greater whole, embodying the harmony between contrasting energies. Hinduism’s concept of Shiva and Shakti symbolizes the dynamic interplay between consciousness and energy, form and formlessness. In Western philosophy, the dialectics of Hegel explore the resolution of opposites in the synthesis, reflecting a similar understanding of polarity.

Modern self-help philosophies, like those presented in the works of Wayne Dyer, often utilize the Principle of Polarity to encourage a shift in perspective. By understanding that every negative situation has the potential to be viewed positively, individuals can learn to transform challenges into opportunities, leveraging the spectrum of polarity to foster personal growth and resilience. Some people will see a pit, others will see the ladder up.

Incorporating the Principle of Polarity into daily life involves recognizing the dual nature of experiences and actively choosing how to perceive and respond to them. This could mean reframing obstacles as lessons, understanding that fear and courage are degrees of the same experience, and consciously shifting focus from what we lack to what we possess. Such practices not only enhance emotional intelligence but can also lead to resilience – building us up to navigate life’s ups and downs more gracefully.

Applying the principle can also change how we interact with others, acknowledging that differing opinions and behaviors reflect the vast spectrum of human experience.

By embracing the Principle of Polarity, we gain the insight and flexibility needed to view life’s apparent contradictions with a more nuanced perspective. This understanding encourages balance, compassion, and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things, allowing us to find harmony and unity within the diversity of existence.

The Principle of Rhythm

The Principle of Rhythm
Image Credit: SasinParaksa from Getty Images/Canva

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides.”

This principle describes the cyclical nature of the universe and life. It teaches that for every action, there is a reaction; for every rise, a fall must follow. This rhythmic motion is evident in the changing seasons, the phases of the moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, and even in the cycles of human life and history.

The Principle of Cause and Effect

The Principle of Cause and Effect
Image Credit: ThomasVogel from Getty Images/Canva

“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause.”

This principle states that nothing happens by chance; there is a reason behind everything. In other words, every event or phenomenon in the universe is the result of a cause or set of causes that preceded it.

The Principle of Gender

The Principle of Gender
Image Credit: Tetyana Kulchytska/Canva

“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles.”

This principle highlights that there is a balance of masculine and feminine energies in the universe, and that these energies are present in all things, both animate and inanimate. The masculine principle is associated with assertiveness, logic, and action, while the feminine principle is associated with receptivity, intuition, and nurturing.


Despite its ancient roots, the wisdom of the Kybalion is relevant in the modern era for truth seekers. The principles offer a framework for understanding the complexities of the mind, the universe, and our place within it. Whether you’re navigating personal challenges, seeking spiritual growth, or exploring the mysteries of existence, the Kybalion provides insight.

Kybalion Audio

Courtesy of the Master Key Society


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